nathan67003 What's SMF?
I'm also wondering if we need an Off-Topic forum, or if we're better off calling that General and instead trying to keep people on-topic (General meaning: stuff about Ambrosia generally, or about the forum generally like this thread, or tools that are generally applicable across all Ambrosia products).
I've been advocating that we avoid a really formalized set of rules, and the rules-lawyering that will naturally follow that. The best way to make that work is to make it very clear what is supposed to be on this forum, and people will naturally make those kinds of posts while avoiding the kinds of posts we don't explicitly say we want here. An off-topic forum muddies the waters, makes potentially anything seem like fair game. With clear categories saying what we do want, people who aren't entirely sure if something belongs here will err on the side of caution, and not push the limits very far. With our moderators being busy people who don't really want to have to micromanage this place, it would be nice to leave off-topic conversations to other places. There's no shortage of other places on the internet to discuss all manner of other subject matters, many of them specifically dedicated to those subjects. If we don't explicitly encourage it here, people will use those other places.