I'm happy to share news of my project with the wider EV Nova community, besides those who frequent the Discord server.
What is "WineNova?" A dorky nickname for my WINE wrapper of EV Nova for Windows, meant to be easily installed and run out of the box on any modern Mac system, Intel or ARM. For the latter, it runs in Rosetta 2 quite well, but no Universal package is available, or likely to be.
How to install WineNova? Download the disk image from the link provided below. It will give you a standard Apple Installer package. Run that and you're ready to go.
What features does WineNova have? Primarily, it just works. But I've also worked hard to give it some of the features exclusive to the original Mac version of EV Nova. Hold Shift at launch to see settings you may change:

WineNova supports manual resolution changing (Windows Nova only runs in one resolution by default), loading different data folders (for total conversion plugins), and basic logging and troubleshooting features as well.
There are also some QoL enhancements for WineNova, such as improved color accuracy, the ability to toggle window modes with a hotkey (Option-F), and improved window handling over WINE's default window management behavior.
Beta 2.10.2 is the current version available. It incorporates EV Nova CE r4, which brings a lot of changes to performance limits, and adds the ability to launch your own game data folders using a blank file with the extension "nplay." It also allows customization of the 2X Mode hotkey. I've also fixed a few lazy validation checks that caused obscure crashes in testing. the latest update streamlines the install process, and fixes logging when using nPlay Fast Launch. The 2.10.2 update includes optimizations to the script, and fallbacks to workaround macOS-specific issues with launching the game (or nplays) from specific special folders (Downloads and Desktop).
Download WineNova Beta 2.10.2 from MEGA
Download link from escape-velocity.games pending.